Matching Game 2 is a game where you must flip cards to find pairs that match. The cards will initially be put before you with their backside up. You will be able to turn two cards at the same time (they will show pictures of toys, people, kids or vehicles), and if you manage to find a pair, both cards will disappear from the screen. If the cards you have flipped are not identical, you must remember the position of each card, in order to find the right pairs afterward. The game ends when there are no cards left.
The full game includes ten levels of difficulty. The demo has two levels of difficulty. The Easy level will offer you twelve cards to flip. The Hard level will ask you to find fourteen pairs, twenty-eight cards in total. The game allows you to save the game at any moment, and you can resume that game from the point you saved.
The game will help young kids to exercise their memory, and enhance their mathematical and language skills. The game also plays nice music while the kids play it.